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Cleo's Apparel
Cleo’s Apparel (4824 Rainier Ave S), a beloved women’s clothing store in Columbia City for 36 years.

Riding the Number 7: Celebrating Rainier Valley's Heritage and Community
"Riding the Number 7" stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of community, resilience, and dedication that defines Rainier Valley. The

Ark Lodge Building: Home of Columbia City's Fraternal Past
In this 1937 photograph we see the east side of Rainier Avenue’s 4800 block, with the ornate Ark Lodge building occupying center stage....

37th Avenue, 1908: What’s Left?
This 1908 photo of Columbia City was taken looking north along 37th Avenue from Dawson Street at the foot of Hitt’s Hill. It is a...

From Past to Present: Columbia City's Rich Heritage
RVHS Founder Buzz Anderson with KUOW radio host Steve Scher discuss Columbia City history on 1.26.2001

Hitt’s Fireworks: 1905-1976
Fireworks in Columbia City Thomas Gabriel Hitt, known as T.G. Hitt, was born in London in 1874. He studied chemistry at Westminster...

An Homage to Columbia School
"It's hard for anyone, even the most pessimistic of pessimists, to spend more than a few minutes in Central Park without feeling that he...

Calithumpians in Columbia City
Crowd outside Phalen's Grocery during Rainier Valley Fiesta, Seattle, 1915. Property of Rainier Valley Historical Society, Accession...

Columbia Electric Bakery - From Spark to Flame
The history of bread goes back some 30,000 years, to the hunting and gathering phase of human development. Fast forward a few tens of...

Columbia Hotel: “All You Can Eat For 25 Cents”
It was a Sunday in 1906 and the Columbia Hotel’s elegant dining room, with white linen tablecloths and floral centerpieces, was featuring...

Columbia City's First Pool Hall
RVHS photo 1993.001.0032 There is a question as to the date this photograph was taken. Written on the back of this original photo we...

Frigidaire Week at Grayson & Brown
This is one of my favorite photos and I have it pinned on the wall in my home office. It is a nostalgic reminder to me of our family...

Columbia Theater in the '30s
This photo was taken looking northeast from the intersection of Rainier Avenue and Hudson Street. The Columbia Theater was a popular...

The Columbia Laundry
This photo was taken in 1911, four years after Columbia City and Rainier Valley were annexed by the city of Seattle. The building was...

Hausler Grocery Part 2 of 2: New Building at Rose Street
This is the second of two articles about the Hausler family grocery store. The first article told about their move to Seattle from New...

Hausler Grocery Part 1 of 2: Grocery Business for Sale - $100
Mr. and Mrs. Hausler bought the inventory and the lease on this building for $100 they didn’t have. He got the money however, by pawning...

Mr. Hipkins and His Maintenance Car
‘Pa Hip’ was the key man on the streetcar line. This is the shop-built locomotive used as a repair car for maintenance work on the...

Columbia City’s Favorite Barbers - Circa 1908
The earliest reference we have regarding Columbia City’s barbers, Gardner and LaPorte, is 1907. Their partnership was listed in Carey...

Rainier Valley Investment Co.
RVHS Photo 1993.001.0012 This 1908 photo shows the office of the Rainier Valley Investment Co. at 4870 Rainier Avenue. The office was...

Meet You By The Big Rock
The “Big Rock” at 48th Ave. S and S. Ferdinand St. was once the meeting place of Valley Residents. This Photo of the Big Rock, with an...
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